About Us

Walling Grove Plantation is a private residential community located at the north end of Lady's Island (off Brickyard Point Road) in Beaufort, SC. This neighborhood, founded in 1989, is made up of more than 150 families who call Beaufort their home.  The development is surrounded by an abundance of natural beauty with its grand oaks and brilliant sunsets over the Coosaw River and Broomfield Creek.
The Coosaw River and Broomfield Creek, along with salt-water marshes, surround the property. Nature areas include fresh water ponds, wetlands, forested areas, and meadows throughout the neighborhood. In addition, WGP is rich with wildlife such as saltwater fish, dolphin, shrimp, crab, herds of deer, a variety of birds, and alligators that reside in our waters and woodlands.
Most of the 164 home-sites encompass over an acre of land, which equals privacy in the surrounding naturalistic setting.  Dozens of home-sites sit on Broomfield Creek or the Coosaw River.
Walling Grove Archaeological Survey (1989)